Saturday, September 16, 2006


Otterly Lovely

The otters came out to play for me last week and despite my camerawork not being up to their rather fast dashing about I managed to get a spot of video, now online with a snippet of Paul Whiteman and his orchestra as backing (hooray for public domain MP3s!).

Otterly Lovely.

I took lots of photos too.

The highlight of this visit were definitely the joyful otters and the red ruffed lemurs. After spending a while photographing butterflies in the lemur enclosure they graced us with their presence and were very fine company.

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The otters were brilliant and a good choice of music too!

Some cracking photos. :)
Yay! Otters!

Miss P, I've just realised that it could be the Spankhurts frolicing there, they were based in Edinburgh.

It doesn't seem terribly dignified behaviour of them if so.
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