Thursday, June 14, 2007


No news, just monkeys and penguins

Life is a little insane at the moment. I distracted myself last night by editing together some, erm, highlights of animal footage I've filmed recently. It ended up including lots of licking, nibbling, mild penguin vomit consumption and defecation and one very, very cheeky monkey. I suspect this says more about me than the animal kingdom.

There was a nice moment on the full soundtrack of a woman answering numerous questions from her small daughter about what the monkey was doing. She gave very impressive responses and the wee girl seemed to be satisfied, finishing the conversation after a long pause by stating in a very matter of fact manner "I can see his winky". The adults there treated the whole thing far more childishly, with many a stifled giggle.

The baby penguins are at Edinburgh Zoo at the moment, ludicrously cute and well worth a visit.

On an unrelated note I've added some new images to my illustrated palindrome collection and the revo now features interactive disco dogs as well as cats.

And none of the above are anything to do with why my life is insane at the moment. I suspect that should worry me.


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