Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The techling has arrived!

It's a boy!

He's very lovely, and is consuming all my time at the moment. It's fun, if slightly tiring.

Normal service will resume in, ooh, 18 years or so probably, but I'm hoping to find an alternate service early in the new year as I find my feet in my new role. In the meantime I hope everyone has a fun festive season and wish you all a very happy 2008.

Love eclectech x


Woo! Yay! Houpla! With 2 frame Animation!

I've been checking in and checking in, and was finally going to email you today...

That'll be a nice relaxing Christmas for you then.

Disappointed it's a boy though. I was hoping for a rabbit, or a meerkat, or perhaps a sheep with a hat on. Booooooo....

Have a great one.
Congrats, hope it grows up happy and strong.

Dont stress out and enjoy it while it lasts before it starts asking for money!

Bye bye money :D

Happy Birthday little'un!

Have a merry Christmas and a happy and properous new year!
Cheers all!

If it helps Jonny, he has been wearing a hat with furry ears on (just about tolerated by mr tech, I had to stop at my plans to dress the little 'un up as a reindeer after seeing the expression on his face).
Appropriate congratulatory noises.
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