Friday, December 23, 2005
Have a fun festive season

Actually, it would be nice if we could spend time with loved ones, think about happy things and have a lovely time all the time. I should get rid of the qualifiers.
Have fun. Be happy. Smile. Be silly.
That is all.
Labels: blether, penguin joy
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Seasonal Smut

Every now and then an idea for an image or animation pops into my head and demands to be made; they're frequently appallingly bad puns, but I find them irresistable. Last week it was a terrible play on catapult. Today it's this. I was roasting chestnuts, singing a festive ditty to myself and this appeared.
I trust you'll understand that's it's for my own mental health that I have to get these things out of my head. I hate to think what would happen if I let them fester.
Labels: blether, silly joke
Friday, December 16, 2005
Big round numbers

Thinking about it, it's not just big round numbers that we imbue with mysterious significance. I love a good coincidence too; chance occurences that seem so purposeful but are... well... just chance. It's lovely. Even lovelier than a big round number.
And that's saying something.
*I hide some away if I turn against them for any reason, but leave them online as some people still link to them and I have an irrational hatred of dead links.
Labels: blether
Friday, December 09, 2005
Not The Cliff Richard Christmas Single

It's possibly a slightly cynical look at this season of goodwill, but it also has the cute mouse in pants so there's jolly too. Rather alarmingly this is three releases in a row involving y front pants. That can't be right can it?
On a related and equally wrong note I currently have the somewhat dubious pleasure of being in the top ten google hits when you search for y fronts.
I'm so proud. No, really.
Labels: blether, flash animation
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Robop therapy

Although looking at it again, it needs more baubles.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Festive Pants Messenger

Labels: flash toy