Thursday, March 29, 2007
Crikey, people have been voting!

The current results have cartoons firmly in the lead, followed by scenery. Mutants and flowers are tied in third place.
A few nice suggestions, one particularly fine one involving an animation of Humph on a trampoline using "several tall, narrow images side-by-side to capture it. One of Humph going down, one bending the trampoline, and one of him going back up." I'm rather taken by that idea.
Apologies to the person taking offence at my scenic photos only covering Scotland and England. I know there are very nice places in Wales (not to mention elsewhere in the world), it's just I live in Scotland and have many friends and family in England so I tend to be in those places with my camera frequently enough to get a few decent shots. Nothing personal against Wales, honest!
As a partial explanation of my recent absence there are some new photos of the Lake District online as I was down there for a few days. Nice stomping about the hills and one gorgeous sunset.
Life is a little mad at the moment, but hopefully I'll grab a moment to make something fun soon.I have plans for the wee guy up the way to become a drummer. I just need slightly longer days and I'll be sorted......
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I have a HUGE Humph and a bad pun

Is this a UK thing? Ah, yes.
As for the huge Humph, you can see him at the other place, where I'm also asking for opinions on what I should stick into a gallery at Photobloc. Cartoons are currently in the lead. Hooray for Humph!
Stumbled across a lovely gallery of sky photos and some fab drawings that are work a peek, if you've had enough Humph.
Labels: blether, neat links, silly joke
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I have been watching the moon

It didn't cloud over.
It did get quite cold.
But that didn't matter because it was very lovely. Hooray for the lunar eclipse!
I've been snapping at the zoo too and have some new photos online. I'm quite pleased with a couple of them, the Japanese Macaques and chimpanzees posed nicely. The baboons were fantastic but didn't get close enough for me to do them justice. Next time!